Monday, August 3, 2015


The National Visa Center has been issuing erroneous letters indicating that immigrant visa applications will be terminated because neither the applicants nor their attorneys have contacted the NVC within one year of notification of the availability of a visa.  These letters are often erroneous because applicants and their attorneys have contacted the NVC during the prior one year.  It appears that the emailed letters were sent by the NVC during the last week of July 2015.  The NVC is aware of their mistake and is taking steps to correct the erroneous letters. A similar issue arose in November 2014.

If you have received one of these emails, MU Law advises you to contact the NVC to make sure that they do not close your immigrant visa application.

The NVC has the right to ordinarily close applications under INA §203(g) for failure to contact the NVC within one year of notification of the availability of a visa.

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